Doctrine of the Trinity Part 2

Proposition: The doctrine of the Trinity, though not explicitly set forth, is found in the Bible and is seen in the light of God’s more prominent plan of redemption with each person of the Trinity, united in purpose, playing a unique role in redeeming the people of God. See it, believe it and live in the light of the principles of diversity within unity.



A.  Besides The LORD and The Angel of The LORD, there is The Holy Spirit, or Spirit of God, who is not simply a mere emanation from God because He has all the characteristics of personality (intellect, emotion and will) and is considered divine.

B.  In the Old Testament you will also find all three personalities of the Godhead referred to in a single passage:

1. Isaiah 48:12-16

2. Isaiah 63:7-14, All three Persons of the Trinity mentioned in the context of the Exodus—the redemption of the people of God.


 A.  In Nature

1. Universal laws affecting all of nature’s particulars.

2.  Composition and design elements in art and music—a good composition has variation and diversity within an overall unity.

B.  In Philosophy:  Existentialism focuses on the significance of life with respect to individual particulars only, with nothing seen as absolute and universal to tie it all together; this leads naturally to despair. All of life with           every possible particular has meaning and significance when lived in the light of the living God, who is the Absolute One, holding everything together for His purpose. This is the message of Ecclesiastes.

C.  In The Church: One body, yet many parts, many gifts, diverse functions.  I Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4.

D.  In Marriage and Male/Female Role Relationships

1. Genesis 2:24 “One flesh”

2. I Cor. 11:3, Christ’s submission to the Father is the example of woman’s submission to man. Is the Son less God than the Father? Christ’s glory is not compromised by submission to the Father’s Will (it’s enhanced).




Doctrine of the Trinity Part 1  •  Fairfield Church, PCA

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